transitive verb III conjugation ending -io
View the declension of this word
to draw, to pull out or forth, to entice, to elicit, to coax
transitive verb III conjugation ending -io
View the declension of this word
to draw, to pull out or forth, to entice, to elicit, to coax
Locutions, idioms and examples
aliquid alicui elicio || arcana alicuius elicio || alias abs te litteras eliciam || ad colloquium vatem elicuit = he was the soothsayer during a talk || ad pugnam o ad proelium elicio || cantu elicio manes sepulcris || e terrae cavernis ferrum elicio || alvum deicio or elicio or levigo or solvo or exonero || nardi parvus onyx eliciet cadum vini || ad hostem proficisci constituerat, sive eum ex paludibus elicere sive obsidione premere posset = it was decided to march against the enemy in order to flush him out of the swamp or to block him surrounding him
ēlĭcĭo tr. v. III conjug. end. -io

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