feminine noun V declension
View the declension of this word
1 washing away of impurities, a flowing off, discharge
2 overflowing, inundation of a river, etc
3 (metonymy) chasm, abyss, ravine produced by the violent rushing of water
feminine noun V declension
View the declension of this word
1 washing away of impurities, a flowing off, discharge
2 overflowing, inundation of a river, etc
3 (metonymy) chasm, abyss, ravine produced by the violent rushing of water
Locutions, idioms and examples
civitatis eluvies || labes atque eluvies civitatis || ad illam labem atque eluviem civitatis = to that complete ruin of the city || circumiri brevi spatio poterat eluvies
ēlŏvĭēs fem. noun V decl.

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