adjective II class
View the declension of this word
1 wild, bold
2 warlike
3 cruel
4 defiant, arrogant
adjective II class
View the declension of this word
1 wild, bold
2 warlike
3 cruel
4 defiant, arrogant
Locutions, idioms and examples
geminata victoria ferox || aper ferox || adversus pericula ferox || adeo fracti sunt spiritus illi feroces ut … || Agrippa aetate viribusque ferox || Volsci, ferocior ad rebellandum quam ad bellandum gens || Cassius Chaerea, tum adulescens et animi ferox || ad quod (bellum) gerendum ferociorem reddidit civitatem || ab nimis feroci pugna hostes continuit = to keep the enemy from a far too savage battle || celsi … et spe haud dubia feroces in proelium vadunt || agitabatur magis magisque in dies animus ferox inopia rei familiaris || aetas et forma et super omnia Romanum nomen te ferociorem facit || accendunt insuper hostes ferocius multo … quippe impune se insultaturos = and what's more the enemy inflamed more vehemently (knowing) infact they could insult them with impunity || angebatur ferox Tullia nihil materiae in viro neque ad cupiditatem neque ad audaciam esse || Caesar, pro natura ferox et conficiendae rei cupidus, ostentare, provocare, lacessere || volo ego illi beluae ostendere, quando adeo ferox praesultat hostium signis, me ex ea familia ortum quae …
fĕrox adj. II cl.

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