masculine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 heat, boiling heat
2 boiling, fermenting
3 ardour, passion, fury
4 intoxication
masculine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 heat, boiling heat
2 boiling, fermenting
3 ardour, passion, fury
4 intoxication
Locutions, idioms and examples
aetatis fervor || calidi fervor amoris || aër fervoribus ustus = air dry from the heat || caput incensum fervore gerebant || aestu et itineris fervore percalefactus || aèr siccis fervoribus ustus || accepit calido febrim fervore coortam = he feels in his limbs the burning heat of an attack of fever || labor illos exerceat, ut nimius ille fervor despumet || hac aetas iam vitia primo fervore adulescentiae indomita lassavit
fervŏr masc. noun III decl.

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