Your search returned the following results:
masculine noun IV declension
View the declension of this word
1 fetus or foetus, young in womb
2 embryo
3 (animals) offspring or young
4 (of a parent) children
5 brood or litter
6 young in womb
7 birth or bringing forth young
8 (eggs) laying
9 bearing young, breeding
10 conception
11 fruit of plant
12 produce or crop
13 offshoot, branch, sucker, sapling
14 bearing fruit
masculine noun IV declension
View the declension of this word
1 fetus or foetus, young in womb
2 embryo
3 (animals) offspring or young
4 (of a parent) children
5 brood or litter
6 young in womb
7 birth or bringing forth young
8 (eggs) laying
9 bearing young, breeding
10 conception
11 fruit of plant
12 produce or crop
13 offshoot, branch, sucker, sapling
14 bearing fruit
Locutions, idioms and examples
animi fetus || arborei fetus || auricomos fetus || apium fetus || arbores fetu exinanitas || ea quae terrae fetu profunduntur || labor bestiarum in fetu || cervae lactens fetus || ante quam quis decerpserit arbore fetus || calathus fetui gallinaceo destinatus || bis gravidos cogunt fetus || arbores crescunt fetuque gravantur || ager novatus, quo meliores fetus possit edere || capram sex haedos uno fetu edidisse || capram sex haedos uno fetu edidisse ex Piceno nuntiatum est
fētŭs masc. noun IV decl.

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