feminine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 boundary, border, frontier
2 circuit of walls
3 endmost point or extremity
4 rule or law
5 end, conclusion or death
6 limit or restriction
7 definition, exact description
feminine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 boundary, border, frontier
2 circuit of walls
3 endmost point or extremity
4 rule or law
5 end, conclusion or death
6 limit or restriction
7 definition, exact description
Locutions, idioms and examples
a qualitate ad finitionem descenditur = from the nature (of the crime) we go to the definition || Aristotelis finitio non multum a nostra abest || Cicero genus et speciem, quam eandem formam vocat, a finitione deducit
fīnītĭo fem. noun III decl.

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