masculin and feminine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 rope
2 line, cord, sheet, cable
3 measuring-line, rope, lot
masculin and feminine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 rope
2 line, cord, sheet, cable
3 measuring-line, rope, lot
Locutions, idioms and examples
ambulo per funem || capita funis || ancorarum fune || adducta funibus arbor || ab litore funem rumpo = to cut the moorings || a stipite funem solvo = to remove the rope from the stump || a terra convello funem = untie the rope from land (= to set sail) || cataractam funibus subduco || ancorarum funes non extenti fluitabant || ancorae pro funibus ferreis catenis revinctae || vae qui ligant peccata tamquam funem longum
fūnis masc. and fem. noun III decl.

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