transitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [habeo]
2 to have
3 to hold
4 to possess
5 to own
6 to keep, retain, detain
7 to have at one's disposal, have available
8 to have on one's side, have in one's favour
9 to control, have under one's control
10 to involve, entail
11 (facts, information) to have knowledge of
12 to afford, give pleasure
13 (clothes) to have on, wear
14 to treat, handle, use
15 (of a vessel) to hold, contain
16 to be made up of, consist of
17 (of feelings) to beset, come over, grip
18 (meeting, inquiry, census) to hold, conduct
19 (speech) to deliver, give
20 to give a talk
21 (a law, edict, practice) to keep, observe
22 (of owner, inhabitant) to occupy, inhabit
23 (words) to pronounce, utter
24 (life, youth) to spend, live
25 to hold, manage, govern, wield
26 to hold, think, consider, believe
27 to occupy, engage, busy
28 to occasion, produce, render
29 to know, be informed of, be acquainted with
30 to take, accept, endure, bear
transitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [habeo]
2 to have
3 to hold
4 to possess
5 to own
6 to keep, retain, detain
7 to have at one's disposal, have available
8 to have on one's side, have in one's favour
9 to control, have under one's control
10 to involve, entail
11 (facts, information) to have knowledge of
12 to afford, give pleasure
13 (clothes) to have on, wear
14 to treat, handle, use
15 (of a vessel) to hold, contain
16 to be made up of, consist of
17 (of feelings) to beset, come over, grip
18 (meeting, inquiry, census) to hold, conduct
19 (speech) to deliver, give
20 to give a talk
21 (a law, edict, practice) to keep, observe
22 (of owner, inhabitant) to occupy, inhabit
23 (words) to pronounce, utter
24 (life, youth) to spend, live
25 to hold, manage, govern, wield
26 to hold, think, consider, believe
27 to occupy, engage, busy
28 to occasion, produce, render
29 to know, be informed of, be acquainted with
30 to take, accept, endure, bear
Locutions, idioms and examples
commotus habebitur || comitia haberi non siturum sino || habetur personarum ac dignitatium portio || coepit paupertas probro haberi || habeor servitute || ambiguum est or habetur || habeo (Laida) non habeor a Laide || habendam fortunae gratiam quod || at id nostris moribus nefas habetur || ea quae mollis habeatur disciplina || a quibus cum delectus intentius quam … haberetur = while they were building the bank with greater vigor that … || habetur una atque altera contio || volentia plebi facturus habebatur || voluptas in nullo habenda (est) pretio || habenda fides non est insanorum visis || habenda est ratio non sua solum, sed aliorum || aestimatione recta severus habebatur || audacia habetur pro muro || alter consul pro supervacaneo habetur || absens an praesens perniciosior esset in incerto habebatur = nobody knew if he was more harmful absent or present || ambiguum habebatur quantum Caesari in eam liceret || habebatur non ganeo et profligator, sed erudito luxu || animi quod parvi nolit haberi respondet || Atticus eximie si cenat lautus habetur || aequus adulescentibus aut certe non adversus habebatur || adiuncto ut idem etiam prudentes haberentur || voluntas senatus pro auctoritate haberi debet || apibus quanta experientia (sit) parcis (habendis) || clarus neque morum spernendus habebatur || Commii auctoritas in his regionibus magni habebatur || apud sapientes cassa habebatur (beneficia) quae … || aut quemquam illorum veterum qui populares habebantur || animus habet cuncta neque ipse habetur || paean … numerus a quibusdam, non pes habetur || an partus ancillae sitne in fructu habendus disseretur || brevi perfamiliaris haberi trahique magis quam vellet in arcanos sermones est coeptus || acta Caesaris servanda censeo, non quo probem … sed quia rationem habendam maxime arbitror pacis = I believe that Caesar's disposition must be maintained, not because I approve them, but because I think that peace must be kept in mind
hăbĕor tr. v. II conjug.

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