neutral noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 load, burden
2 (of goods, baggage, etc.) load, lading, freight, cargo
3 (poetic) the burden of the womb, the foetus, embryo
4 the excrements
5 burden, in respect of property, a tax or an expense (usually in the plural)
6 load, burden, weight, charge, trouble, difficulty of any kind
7 ecclesiastical the burden of a prophecy, the woes predicted against any one
neutral noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 load, burden
2 (of goods, baggage, etc.) load, lading, freight, cargo
3 (poetic) the burden of the womb, the foetus, embryo
4 the excrements
5 burden, in respect of property, a tax or an expense (usually in the plural)
6 load, burden, weight, charge, trouble, difficulty of any kind
7 ecclesiastical the burden of a prophecy, the woes predicted against any one
Locutions, idioms and examples
aliquem onere levo || adlevo onus || ciborum onera || amoliri obiecta onera || captae venationis onus || ab omni onere immunis = exempted from every levy || accipio onus in collos = to take a burden on one's shoulders || accipite hoc onus in vestros collos = take this burden on your shoulders || ob magnitudinem oneris || apta portandis oneribus iumenta sunt || adversarum rerum onera sustollo || ad onera ac multitudinem iumentorum transportandam || rapinis onera bellorum civilium sustinuit || castra muniunt neque iumentis onera deponunt || o quid solutis est beatius curis, cum mens onus reponit? || aes alienum gravissimis oneribus provinciae constituit exsolvere
honus nt. noun III decl.

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