Your search returned the following results:
adjective perfect participle I class
View the declension of this word
1 perfect participle of [impedio]
2 hindered, obstructed, encumbered, hampered
3 difficult, impeded
4 inaccessible
adjective perfect participle I class
View the declension of this word
1 perfect participle of [impedio]
2 hindered, obstructed, encumbered, hampered
3 difficult, impeded
4 inaccessible
Locutions, idioms and examples
agmen impeditum || bellum impeditum || aetate et morbo impeditus || dama impedita cassibus || classis impedita suomet ipsa instrumento || bellum impeditum, arduum, cruentum minitabantur || a collegio pontificum impeditus est, negante unam cellam duobus diis recte dicari = he was prevented by the college of pontiffs, which denied that a single chapel could reasonably be dedicated to two gods
impĕdītus adj. perf. part. I cl.

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