Your search returned the following results:
- indiffĕrens (nt. noun III decl.) substantive
- indiffĕrens (adj. II cl.) adjective IN THIS PAGE
adjective II class
View the declension of this word
1 indifferent
2 philosophy, adiaphorus, neither good nor bad
3 (of a person, about + accusative) indifferent to anything
4 grammar (syllable) which can be either short or long
adjective II class
View the declension of this word
1 indifferent
2 philosophy, adiaphorus, neither good nor bad
3 (of a person, about + accusative) indifferent to anything
4 grammar (syllable) which can be either short or long
Locutions, idioms and examples
circa victum indifferentem
indiffĕrens adj. II cl.

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