adjective I class
View the declension of this word
1 the lowest, the lower
2 (figuratively) last
3 (social status), the most humble, the least important
adjective I class
View the declension of this word
1 the lowest, the lower
2 (figuratively) last
3 (social status), the most humble, the least important
Locutions, idioms and examples
ab infimo = (starting) from the bottom || ad infimum Argiletum = in the lower part of Argiletum || ad infimos montes = at the foot of the mountains || ab infima ara = from the foot of the altar || auricula infima mollior || ad infimas radices montis = at the foot of the mountain || ad infimas obtestationes procumbo = to bend down to the humblest plea || ab infimo militiae loco = from the lowest level of the army || circumvecti … per infima clivi || apud infimam faecem populi || apud infimae plebis homines || ab infima ara anguis emergit = a snake appears from the base of the altar || ab egestate infima ad saltum sublati divitiarum ingentium = raised from the lowest misery to the height of riches || Fabius Pelignus quidam ex infimis ordinibus de exercitu
infumus adj. I cl.

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