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- ingĕnĭōsus (masc. noun II decl.) substantive
- ingĕnĭōsus (adj. I cl.) adjective IN THIS PAGE
adjective I class
View the declension of this word
1 inclined, naturally suitable
2 (of a person) clever, intelligent
3 (+ dative or in, ad + accusative or ablative +) capable of, able to
4 (of things) ingenious, that requires intelligence or ability
adjective I class
View the declension of this word
1 inclined, naturally suitable
2 (of a person) clever, intelligent
3 (+ dative or in, ad + accusative or ablative +) capable of, able to
4 (of things) ingenious, that requires intelligence or ability
Locutions, idioms and examples
ad causas ingeniosa fui = I was clever to find some reasons || ad segetes ingeniosus ager || ad hoc crimen non ingeniosa aliqua defensio = no convincing thesis for the defense (to face) for this accusation || Autolycus furtum ingeniosus ad omne || vox ingeniosa mutandis sonis || vox mutandis ingeniosa sonis
ingĕnĭōsus adj. I cl.

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