neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 custom, principle
2 decree
3 intention
4 arrangement
5 institution
6 habit, plan
neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 custom, principle
2 decree
3 intention
4 arrangement
5 institution
6 habit, plan
Locutions, idioms and examples
aliquid immuto de institutis || alicuius institutum sequor || ad institutum suum reverti = to return to one's own intention || abduco aliquem ab institutis suis = to distract someone from his commitments || absolvo instituta = to conclude the work already begun || ex instituto || aliena instituta imitor || abundo praeceptis institutisque philosophiae = to be full of precepts and philosophical teachings || antiquitus institutum est ut signa undique concinerent || ad huius libri institutum illa nihil pertinent = they (= definitions) have no relationship with the object of this work || Augustum ab institutis studiis deflexit cura terrarum || cetera instituta, sinistra foeda, pravitate valuere (= valuerunt) || Caesar, superius institutum servans decimam legionem in dextro cornu, nonam in sinistro collocaverat
instĭtūtum nt. noun II decl.

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