transitive and intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to hold out
2 to stretch, to strain, to exert
transitive and intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to hold out
2 to stretch, to strain, to exert
Locutions, idioms and examples
quacumque se intendisset || intendo vocem || intendo vela || aciem intendo = to turn the attention, the gaze || an longiorem intenderent fugam || ad bellum animum intendit = he is focused on war || ad nuptias Cleopatrae intendit || discrimen capitis intendo || actionem perduellionis intenderat = he brought an action (against me) for high treason || vocem intendo or attollo || actionem instituo, (or intendo, or infero) = to bring a judicial action || ubi intenderis ingenium, valet || aciem in omnes partes intendo = to take a look all around || a cura docendi quod intenderint recedunt = they keep away from attending to prove their thesis || ad id unum omnes cogitationes intendit = he turned every thought to this one purpose || adversum os in hostem intendit || acrem in omnes partes aciem intendo = to cast piercing looks everywhere || celerem intendisse sagittam dicitur Ascanius || arcum intendo or adduco or flecto or tendo or sinuo || alicui periculum conflo or infero, or inicio, or intendo, or molior, or comparo || alicui periculum comparare conflo or facesso or infero or inicio or intendo or molior || Chium, quo ante navale proelium cursum ab Samo intenderat, navigat || ubi Marius haruspicis dicta eodem intendere videt, quo cupido animi hortabatur
intendo tr. and intr. v. III conjug.

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