feminine noun I declension
View the declension of this word
1 Interamna, city of Umbria, surrounded by the river Nar, the birthplace of the historian Tacitus and of the emperor of the same name, now Terni
2 Interamna, city in Latium, on the Liris, now Teramo
feminine noun I declension
View the declension of this word
1 Interamna, city of Umbria, surrounded by the river Nar, the birthplace of the historian Tacitus and of the emperor of the same name, now Terni
2 Interamna, city in Latium, on the Liris, now Teramo
Locutions, idioms and examples
Casino salutatum veniebant, Aquino, Interamna
Intĕramna fem. noun I decl.

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