feminine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 slaughter, massacre
2 extermination, total destruction of life
3 cause of such
feminine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 slaughter, massacre
2 extermination, total destruction of life
3 cause of such
Locutions, idioms and examples
ad internecionem = until extermination || ad internecionem vasto = to devastate completely || ad internecionem caesi sunt = they were torn to pieces || ad internecionem persequi = to continue until annihilation || ad internecionem redigo = to annihilate || ad internecionem redigor = to be annihilated || bella ad internecionem gesta || ad internecionem omnes perierunt = they all died until annihilation
internĭcĭo fem. noun III decl.

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