transitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [iubeo]
2 to order, to tell, to command, to direct
3 to enjoin, to command
4 to decree, to enact
5 to request, to ask, to bid
6 to pray
transitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [iubeo]
2 to order, to tell, to command, to direct
3 to enjoin, to command
4 to decree, to enact
5 to request, to ask, to bid
6 to pray
Locutions, idioms and examples
aqua iubetur coerceri || Caecina obstantia silvarum amoliri iubetur || Caecina cum expeditis cohortibus praeire iubetur || adferre enim vas obscaenum iubebatur || ab ira et impetu multitudinis praecavere iubentur = he orders them to ask for guarantees against the mob's anger and violence
iŭbĕor tr. v. II conjug.

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