masculine noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 Justinus, Roman historian in the second century of the Christian era, who made an abstract of the historical work of Trogus Pompeius
2 Justinus I., Roman emperor of low birth, in the sixth century of the Christian era
3 Justinus II., Roman emperor in the latter half of the sixth century
4 Justinus, philosopher who defended the Christians under Antoninus Pius, called also [Justin]
masculine noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 Justinus, Roman historian in the second century of the Christian era, who made an abstract of the historical work of Trogus Pompeius
2 Justinus I., Roman emperor of low birth, in the sixth century of the Christian era
3 Justinus II., Roman emperor in the latter half of the sixth century
4 Justinus, philosopher who defended the Christians under Antoninus Pius, called also [Justin]
Iustīnus masc. noun II decl.

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