transitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to help, to assist, to aid, to support, to serve, to further
2 to please, to delight, to gratify
transitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to help, to assist, to aid, to support, to serve, to further
2 to please, to delight, to gratify
Locutions, idioms and examples
iuvat || aliquem enixe iuvo || aliquem perpellere conatus iuvo || audentes fortuna iuvat || Brutum cupio iuvare || hae artes ut sit consummatus orator iuvabunt || audentes deus ipse iuvat || aut consilio aut re iuvero || aut consolando aut consilio aut re iuvero || census quorundam senatorum iuvit || Brutum omni re qua possum cupio iuvare || ab Ariarathe … venerunt ad … luendam pecunia noxam, quod … Antiochum iuvisset = they came from Ariarathes to make amends with money for their wrong deed having helped Antiochus || actores restituendae tribuniciae potestatis enixissime iuvit = he helped fully committed those who acted to re-establish the power of the tribunes of the plebs || iam nunc sollemnes ducere pompas ad delubra iuvat || hae sunt eius faces hi stimuli propter quos iuvandi et emerendi cupiditate flagrat
iŭvo tr. v. I conjug.

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