intransitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to totter, to be ready to fall
2 to begin to sink
3 to give way
4 to waver, to decline, to sink
5 to err
intransitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to totter, to be ready to fall
2 to begin to sink
3 to give way
4 to waver, to decline, to sink
5 to err
Locutions, idioms and examples
labant arma || labant cunei || labare meum consilium || labare sermone || labat signum || labamus mutamusque sententiam || labant humana ac fluunt || labant vestigia prima || labare fidem senserat || labat ariete crebro ianua
lăbo intr. v. I conjug.
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