transitive and intransitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to hide, lie hidden
2 to lurk
3 to be out of sight, be invisible
4 to lie, below the surface
5 to keep out of sight, sulk
6 to live a retired life, remain in obscurity, remain unknown
7 to escape notice
8 to be in safety
9 to avoid a summons, lie low
10 to be obscure
11 to take shelter
transitive and intransitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to hide, lie hidden
2 to lurk
3 to be out of sight, be invisible
4 to lie, below the surface
5 to keep out of sight, sulk
6 to live a retired life, remain in obscurity, remain unknown
7 to escape notice
8 to be in safety
9 to avoid a summons, lie low
10 to be obscure
11 to take shelter
Locutions, idioms and examples
bene qui latuit || aliquis latet error || bene qui latuit bene vixit || aut aliquis latet error || causa latendi discrepat || Danai … in suo voto latent || rape, trahe, fuge, late || ubi nobis haec auctoritas tanta latuit? || an haec me Nasonem scribere verba latet? || Danai in voto (= in equo Troiano) latent || classis quae lateri castrorum adiuncta latebat || beneficia saepe intra tacitam duorum conscientiam latent || pacem ipsam, quoniam sub nomine pacis bellum lateret, repudiandam
lătĕo tr. and intr. v. II conjug.

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