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Locutions, idioms and examples
a meo tuoque latere = from my side as well as yours || a lateribus = on the two flanks, on the two sides || a latere || alicui latus transfodere || cingere latus alicui || ad infirmitatem laterum = for the weakness of the lungs || ad latus alicuius sedeo = to be seated on someone's side || ab utroque latere = from both sides || a latere aperto or ad latus apertum = on the exposed flank (of the army) || agglomerare se lateri alicuius || aggredior latere or ex latere || alio latere or ex alio latere || lateri consero latus || bonis lateribus || ab latere tyranni = the gang (= thugs) of the tyrant || artifices lateris || breve latus || adambulo lateri alicuius || ab latere impetum facere = to attack on one flank || a latere alicuius numquam discedo = not to leave someone's side || a latere (or a lateribus or ex latere) = on the side, alongside || alvei manantes per latera || adhaeresco lateri craterae || do latus mollius || cingere latus ense || ab utroque latere collis = from both sides of the hill || circumfusa turba lateri meo || alicuius latus gladio haurio || Boreae finitimus latus || Baliares iaculabantur in latera || qua lateri pectus adhaeret || voci laterique consulo || affigo flammam lateri || Africam eodem latere sitam || vostra faciam latera lorea || a senis latere numquam discedo = never leave the side of that old man || caput manibus ac lateribus obsequatur || adulatoribus latus praebere or dare || aeneus equus cuius in lateribus fores essent || brevi latere ac pede longo || altaria utroque latere dispono || alicui missa latus eruo hasta || alicui latus cingo or claudo or tego || ad latus Samnitium circumduco alas = to move the cavalry to the flank of the Sabellians bringing it around || ab lateribus pugnantes suos circumvenio = to avoid at the flanks his fighters || adiuro ut tua latera virgis lacerentur || a laevo latere in dexterum ambiunt = (the winds) turn from left to right || circumacta inde alterum insulae latus || dat ingentem fluctu latus icta fragorem || classis quae lateri castrorum adiuncta latebat || cavom conversa cuspide montem impulit in latus || classis… circumacta ad alterum insulae latus || a fronte atque ab utroque latere cratibus ac pluteis protegebat = bundles of woods were protecting the front and the side || aciem a latere aperto circumire coeperunt = they started to surround the deployment from the open flank || volnus in latere, quod acu punctum videretur || aeneum equum animadvertit, cuius in lateribus fores essent || ad infirmitatem laterum contentionem omnem remiserat = because of the weakness of the lungs he reduced all efforts of the voice || ad Gallicam ripam latior et placidior affluens = flowing more calm and placid towards the gallic shore || cecidisse de equo dicitur et latus offendisse vehementer || alios ab utroque latere demissae falces laceravere (= laceraverunt) || ab utroque latere temere incurrentium ilia suffodiebant = they injured from both sides horses that were rushing headlong || ab utroque latere eius collis transversam fossam obduxit = ha had a ditch dug on both sides perpendicular to the hill || a tergo, a fronte, a lateribus tenebitur, si in Galliam venerit = behind, in front, in the flannks, (Antony) will be surrounded if he entered Gaul || iactanti talia Caeneus … missa latus eruit hasta || aliena negotia centum per caput et circa saliunt latus || tabulam pictam proelii proposuit in latere curiae Hostiliae || ab lateribus montes ac lacus, a fronte et ab tergo hostium acies claudebat = on the side of the mountains and the lake, in front of and behind the armies of the enemy were barriers || Aulo Plautio in Capitolium eunti et inde rursus revertenti latus texit || Claudius Nero Liviusque Salinator firmissima rei publicae latera || aedificia Numidarum agrestium oblonga, quasi navium carinae sunt, incurvis lateribus tecta || a lateribus cohortes, legionum adversa frons, et subito discursu terga cinxerant equites = from both sides the cohorts (auxiliaries), in front of the legionaries, behind the knight with a swift outflanking manoeuvre surrounded them || voluit hoc ipsum nobis ostendere, posse ingenium fortissimum ac beatissimum sub qualibet cute latere
lătŭs nt. noun III decl.

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