feminine noun I declension
View the declension of this word
1 Greek weight unit, 100 drachma over one pound)
2 its weight of silver, 1 over 60 talent
3 mine (exploding)
4 threats, menaces
5 warning signs, evil omens or prognostications
6 pinnacles
feminine noun I declension
View the declension of this word
1 Greek weight unit, 100 drachma over one pound)
2 its weight of silver, 1 over 60 talent
3 mine (exploding)
4 threats, menaces
5 warning signs, evil omens or prognostications
6 pinnacles
Locutions, idioms and examples
ager oppositust (= oppositus est) pignori ob decem minas || arraboni has dedit minas || ab ore tetigi triginta minis = and thus I fooled you of thirty mines || alia opust auri mina
mĭna fem. noun I decl.

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