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deponent transitive and intransitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to threaten, to speak, to act menacingly
2 to make threatening movement
3 to give indication of
deponent transitive and intransitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to threaten, to speak, to act menacingly
2 to make threatening movement
3 to give indication of
Locutions, idioms and examples
alicui minor || aliquid alicui minor || alicui crucem minor || alicui minari ferro || alicui mediocriter minor || blandiendo ac minando || abiecturum se minabatur = he threatened to throw himself || alicui malum minor || ad me mittunt Nigidium minari = they inform me that Nigidius threatens || actus histrionum veris affectibus minor = comedians' acting does not takle natural feelings || Aeneas minatur deiecturum arces Italum || canum ricta rabie restricta minantur
mĭnor dep. tr. and intr. v. I conjug.

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