transitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [misceo]
2 to mix, blend, mingle
3 to combine, associate, share
4 to give and take
5 to mix up, confuse, turn upside down
6 to mix, prepare, brew
7 to fill with confused noise, etc.
8 to unite sexually
transitive verb II conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [misceo]
2 to mix, blend, mingle
3 to combine, associate, share
4 to give and take
5 to mix up, confuse, turn upside down
6 to mix, prepare, brew
7 to fill with confused noise, etc.
8 to unite sexually
Locutions, idioms and examples
antequam miscerentur acies || circa regem miscentur || caeco pulvere campus miscetur || quā licet, pudor est miscendus amori || civile rebatur misceri voluptatibus vulgi || at domus interior gemitu miseroque tumultu miscetur
miscĕor tr. v. II conjug.

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