neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 the Roman corn-measure, a measure, peck, containing sixteen [sextarii], or the sixth part of a Greek [medimnus]
2 (among surveyors) the third part of a [jugerum]
3 the socket, step, shoe in which the mast of a ship stands
neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 the Roman corn-measure, a measure, peck, containing sixteen [sextarii], or the sixth part of a Greek [medimnus]
2 (among surveyors) the third part of a [jugerum]
3 the socket, step, shoe in which the mast of a ship stands
Locutions, idioms and examples
pleno modio || asse modium populo do
mŏdĭum nt. noun II decl.

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