transitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to soften, to mitigate, to make easier
2 to civilize, to tame, to enfeeble
transitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to soften, to mitigate, to make easier
2 to civilize, to tame, to enfeeble
Locutions, idioms and examples
vocem non molliamus || aliquem sua patientia mollio || ad molliendum clivum = to soften the slope || accessus molliet illa tuos = she will like your advances || mollio clivum || clivum mollio || voluptates molliunt et enervant || Aeolus mollit animos et temperat iras || aversos Penatis farre pio et saliente mica mollio || agricolae fructus feros mollite colendo
mollĭo tr. v. IV conjug.

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