transitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [munio]
2 to build a wall around, to defend with a wall, to fortify, defend, protect, secure, put in a state of defence
3 to defend, guard, secure, protect, shelter
4 to make a road, etc., to make passable by opening, repairing, or paving it
5 to guard, secure, strengthen, support
transitive verb IV conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 passive form of [munio]
2 to build a wall around, to defend with a wall, to fortify, defend, protect, secure, put in a state of defence
3 to defend, guard, secure, protect, shelter
4 to make a road, etc., to make passable by opening, repairing, or paving it
5 to guard, secure, strengthen, support
Locutions, idioms and examples
ad rupem muniendam || castra … vallo muniri vetuit || Caesar vallo muniri (castra) vetuit || castra altiore vallo muniri iubet
mūnĭor tr. v. IV conjug.

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