feminine noun I declension
View the declension of this word
1 funeral song, song of lamentation, dirge
2 mournful song or ditty of any kind
3 magic song, incantation
4 common, trifling song, popular song
5 nursery song, lullaby
6 (in general) a song
7 (personified) Nenia, the goddess of funeral songs, the dirge-goddess, to whom a chapel was dedicated before the Viminal gate
feminine noun I declension
View the declension of this word
1 funeral song, song of lamentation, dirge
2 mournful song or ditty of any kind
3 magic song, incantation
4 common, trifling song, popular song
5 nursery song, lullaby
6 (in general) a song
7 (personified) Nenia, the goddess of funeral songs, the dirge-goddess, to whom a chapel was dedicated before the Viminal gate
Locutions, idioms and examples
Cea nenia || alicui rei neniam facio or dico || Ceae munera neniae || caput Marsa dissilire nenia || Ceae retractare munera neniae || absint inani funere neniae luctusque turpes et querimoniae = may dirges and sad regrets and lamentations be far from (my) empty coffin
naenia fem. noun I decl.

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