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masculine noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 Narcissus, son of Cephisus and Liriope
2 Narcissus, rich freedman of Claudius
3 Narcissus, beautiful youth, the son of the nymph Liriops with Cephissus, in love with his own reflection from a source, he died worn with love and was transformed into the flower of the same name
masculine noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 Narcissus, son of Cephisus and Liriope
2 Narcissus, rich freedman of Claudius
3 Narcissus, beautiful youth, the son of the nymph Liriops with Cephissus, in love with his own reflection from a source, he died worn with love and was transformed into the flower of the same name
Locutions, idioms and examples
Narcissus ab epistolis || Narcissum vidit et incaluit || Appianae caedis molitor Narcissus || Agrippina Narcissum incusat cupidinis ac praedarum || apud quos praemonente Narcisso pauca verba fecit
Narcissus masc. noun II decl.

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