Your search returned the following results:
This word is an invariable part of speech
1 (final) in order not, which does not
2 (after verbs that express command, prayer, hope, desire, such as empire, moneo, suadeo, hortor, fart, fire, etc..) That do not, do not, why not
3 (after verbs that express refusal, unavailability, deterrence, such impedio, prohibeo, caveo, recuso, etc..) That, of
4 (after verbs that express the idea of ​​taking into account) if ever
This word is an invariable part of speech
1 (final) in order not, which does not
2 (after verbs that express command, prayer, hope, desire, such as empire, moneo, suadeo, hortor, fart, fire, etc..) That do not, do not, why not
3 (after verbs that express refusal, unavailability, deterrence, such impedio, prohibeo, caveo, recuso, etc..) That, of
4 (after verbs that express the idea of ​​taking into account) if ever
Locutions, idioms and examples
adnitor ne (+ subjunctive)
nē conj.

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