Your search returned the following results:
This word is an invariable part of speech
1 nor, and... not
2 not... either, not even
This word is an invariable part of speech
1 nor, and... not
2 not... either, not even
Locutions, idioms and examples
nec quisquam || censeo nec sequor magos || certa merces, nec ea parva || habes nec cor nec genium || arcem nec vi nec operibus expugnabilem || agmen nec turba nec sarcinis praegrave || certa flagitii merces nec ea parva || nulla or sine, or haud nec interposita mora || acer equo petivit castra, nec exanimes possunt retinere magistri = with impetus he made for the camp on horseback, neither could the preceptors, breathless, prevent him
nĕc conj.

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