masculine noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 sinew, tendon, muscle
2 string, wire
3 bowstring
4 thong
5 strap
6 leather covering of a shield
7 (rude) penis
8 prison
9 (plural) power, vigour, strength, nerve, force, energy
masculine noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 sinew, tendon, muscle
2 string, wire
3 bowstring
4 thong
5 strap
6 leather covering of a shield
7 (rude) penis
8 prison
9 (plural) power, vigour, strength, nerve, force, energy
Locutions, idioms and examples
causarum nervi || omnibus nervis contendo || carmina nervis aptat || cantus nervorum et tibiarum || a nervis artus continentur = the limbs are held together by tendons || atque ita te nervo torquebo || cessans morbus nervis || citharam nervis tempero || vox, ut nervi, quo remissior… || carmina percussis nervis subiungo || certant nervo aptare sagittas || ad nervorum eliciendos sonos apta manus est || vox ut nervi quo remissior hoc gravior et plenior (est) || cernunt Orphea percussis sociantem carmina nervis
nervos masc. noun II decl.

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