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feminine noun I declension
View the declension of this word
1 note, mark, characteristic, distinctive mark, sign
2 character writing, letter of the alphabet, musical note, conventional sign, shorthand abbreviation
3 spot, tattoo, brand, special sign on the body, natural or artificial
4 record
5 censure, reprimand the censor
6 coin, emblem, mark, portrait
7 label affixed mostly on wine, which indicated the quality
8 brand, species, kind, quality
9 (figuratively speaking) shame, stigma, outrage
10 honorary nickname
11 did nod his head
12 (in the plural) features, facial features
feminine noun I declension
View the declension of this word
1 note, mark, characteristic, distinctive mark, sign
2 character writing, letter of the alphabet, musical note, conventional sign, shorthand abbreviation
3 spot, tattoo, brand, special sign on the body, natural or artificial
4 record
5 censure, reprimand the censor
6 coin, emblem, mark, portrait
7 label affixed mostly on wine, which indicated the quality
8 brand, species, kind, quality
9 (figuratively speaking) shame, stigma, outrage
10 honorary nickname
11 did nod his head
12 (in the plural) features, facial features
Locutions, idioms and examples
notae Tironianae || adlevatae notae || adlevo notas || beneficia ex vulgari nota || alicui nota turpidinis inuritur || alia huius notae || acceptas tu quoque redde notas = he will signal you, and you also answer with a nod of agreement || aliquem nota ignaviae designo || o lucem candidiore nota! || ad versum notam appono || censoria nota perstrictus || ea feci ut essent nota nostris || qua nota etiam nummum percussit || aeternà res ea pressa notà || malum versum notam appono || censoriae severitatis nota inuri || tacitam mensae duxit in orbe notam || paedagogus datur deus inferioris notae || ad fratrem scriptas exarat illa notas = she writes with the stylus the words written to the brother || aeternas Antonii memoriae inussit notas || carmina legendo commentandoque nota facio || volo omnem quae ad dicendum trahi possit loquendi rationem esse notam
nŏta fem. noun I decl.

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