transitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to observe
2 to record
3 to brand
4 to write, to inscribe
5 to notify
transitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to observe
2 to record
3 to brand
4 to write, to inscribe
5 to notify
Locutions, idioms and examples
carbone noto || alicuius improbitatem noto || aliquem ignominia noto || creta notare || voces sensusque noto || censor C. Ateium notavit || tabellam sanguine noto || aliquid censoria quadam virgula noto || animos aevumque notabis praecipue || aliquem censores furti nomine notaverunt || o diem … laetum notandumque mihi candidissimo calculo! || alios poena alios ignominia notavit plures admonitione || Appius censor C. Aterium notavit quod ementitum auspicia subscriberet
nŏto tr. v. I conjug.

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