anomalous transitive verb
View the declension of this word
1 to bring before, to present, offer, to show, exhibit
2 to offer, expose
3 to bring forward, adduce
4 to offer, proffer
5 to bring, cause, occasion, confer, bestow
6 to inflict, etc
7 ecclesiastical to offer to God, to consecrate, dedicate
8 religion to offer up, sacrifice
anomalous transitive verb
View the declension of this word
1 to bring before, to present, offer, to show, exhibit
2 to offer, expose
3 to bring forward, adduce
4 to offer, proffer
5 to bring, cause, occasion, confer, bestow
6 to inflict, etc
7 ecclesiastical to offer to God, to consecrate, dedicate
8 religion to offer up, sacrifice
Locutions, idioms and examples
iacturae pensionem anserem obtuli || civitatem negavit, immunitatem obtulit || caput meum obtuli pro patria periculis omnibus || Agrippina quae boletum medicatum avidissimo ciborum talium obtulerat
obfĕro an. tr. v.

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