neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 egg
2 eggshell used as a measure of capacity
3 oval object used to count the laps at the circus
4 the central area oval amphitheater
neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 egg
2 eggshell used as a measure of capacity
3 oval object used to count the laps at the circus
4 the central area oval amphitheater
Locutions, idioms and examples
album ovi or ex ovo or ex ovis || geminum ovum || facio ovum || ab ovo || candidum ovi || anitum or anitium ova || callosa (ova) || aliena ova excludo || alter alterius ova frangit || anitum ova gallinis suppono || anseres aliena ova non excudunt || volucres ova et pullos faciunt || ab ovo usque ad mala = from the egg to apples (that is from appetizers to fruits, or from the beginning to the end) || anitum ova gallinis saepe subponimus || gallinae festucà ova lustrant || anatum ova gallinis suppono || gallinae avesque reliquae, cum ex ovis pullos excluserint
ōvum nt. noun II decl.

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