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masculine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 Apollon, one of the names of Apollon
2 paean religion, choral singing, originally dedicated to Apollon or other deities
3 paean, poem celebrating a victory or extolled the valor
4 cry of joy and victory
5 peon metric foot consisting of four syllables (three short and one long)
masculine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 Apollon, one of the names of Apollon
2 paean religion, choral singing, originally dedicated to Apollon or other deities
3 paean, poem celebrating a victory or extolled the valor
4 cry of joy and victory
5 peon metric foot consisting of four syllables (three short and one long)
Locutions, idioms and examples
cito paeanem || Paeana voca || paeanem cito || paean … numerus a quibusdam, non pes habetur
Paeōn masc. noun III decl.

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