Your search returned the following results:
feminine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 swamp, marsh, pond
2 rushes, reeds
feminine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 swamp, marsh, pond
2 rushes, reeds
Locutions, idioms and examples
vada transitusque paludis || Boebe palus || Caprae Palus || ad transitus paludis || cava in palude || cava palus || Labeatis palus || Cocyti stagna vides Stygiamque paludem || acerbam Cocyti paludem = the stench from the Cocytus swamp || circumit fontem palus || Barbana, ex Labeatidi palude oriens || antequam stantis repetat paludes || Maeotica palus or Maeoticus lacus or Maeotis || Cheruscis sueta apud paludes proelia || ab eo contracti haruspices monuere (= monuerunt), ut reliquiae prioris delubri in paludes aveherentur = the haruspices he summoned recommended that the remnants of the previous (= old) temple should be taken away (and thrown) in the marshes || ad hostem proficisci constituerat, sive eum ex paludibus elicere sive obsidione premere posset = it was decided to march against the enemy in order to flush him out of the swamp or to block him surrounding him
pălūs fem. noun III decl.

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