plural masculine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 Penates, household gods
2 Penates of the State
3 hearth
4 house
5 home, also applied to a nest, a hive, a temple
plural masculine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 Penates, household gods
2 Penates of the State
3 hearth
4 house
5 home, also applied to a nest, a hive, a temple
Locutions, idioms and examples
raptus penatium || adolere flammis penates || a suis diis penatibus praeceps eiectus = expelled from his house || rapti nequiquam ex hoste penates || Cn Pompei et M Crassi subolem in penates meos adscisco || an quia veram progeniem penatibus Caesarum datura sit? || M. Flacci et L. Saturnini … penates ab imis fundamentis eruti sunt || ad maritum defert quae censuerint patres intra penates abrogari = she relates to her husband what the senate voted, it gets annulled inside the palace
Pĕnātes pl. masc. noun III decl.

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