deponent transitive and intransitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to try, prove, test any thing, to make a trial of, put to the test
2 to put in peril, to endanger, risk, jeopard
3 to try, attempt, make an attempt
4 to venture, to be bold or enterprising
5 to be in danger or peril, to incur or be exposed to danger, to be endangered or imperilled
deponent transitive and intransitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to try, prove, test any thing, to make a trial of, put to the test
2 to put in peril, to endanger, risk, jeopard
3 to try, attempt, make an attempt
4 to venture, to be bold or enterprising
5 to be in danger or peril, to incur or be exposed to danger, to be endangered or imperilled
Locutions, idioms and examples
capite or capitis periclitor || causa periclitari || belli fortunam periclitor
pĕrīculor dep. tr. and intr. v. I conjug.

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