Your search returned the following results:
feminine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 religion, respect, religious feeling, devotion to the gods
2 affection, friendship, dedication, loyalty, devotion to their homeland, their parents, friends, filial piety, paternal love, patriotism
3 selflessness, integrity, sense of duty
4 clemency, benevolence, forbearance
5 divine justice
6 ecclesiastical love of God
7 responsibility, sense of duty
8 loyalty
9 tenderness, goodness
10 pity
11 piety
feminine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 religion, respect, religious feeling, devotion to the gods
2 affection, friendship, dedication, loyalty, devotion to their homeland, their parents, friends, filial piety, paternal love, patriotism
3 selflessness, integrity, sense of duty
4 clemency, benevolence, forbearance
5 divine justice
6 ecclesiastical love of God
7 responsibility, sense of duty
8 loyalty
9 tenderness, goodness
10 pity
11 piety
Locutions, idioms and examples
alicui pietatem praesto || o pietas animi! || bella pietatis simulatio || macte virtute ac pietate esto || o felix nati pietate || antiquum genus pietate repletum || Atratino ignosco qui excusationem habet pietatis || animum patriae strinxit pietatis imago || additurum principem defunctae templum ostentandae pietati
pĭĕtās fem. noun III decl.

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