neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 barrier, screen
2 low wall
3 parapet
4 headboard or footboard of bed or couch
5 (figuratively) couch
6 (figuratively) dining couch
7 bier
8 lectern
9 bookcase
10 military movable mantlet or shed used to protect soldiers in siege works
neutral noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 barrier, screen
2 low wall
3 parapet
4 headboard or footboard of bed or couch
5 (figuratively) couch
6 (figuratively) dining couch
7 bier
8 lectern
9 bookcase
10 military movable mantlet or shed used to protect soldiers in siege works
Locutions, idioms and examples
ad commissuras pleuteorum atque aggeris = the jooining points of the parapet with mounds of soil || caesa … materia cratibus et pluteis faciundis || a fronte atque ab utroque latere cratibus ac pluteis protegebat = bundles of woods were protecting the front and the side
plŭtĕum nt. noun II decl.

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