Your search returned the following results:
masculine noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 Carthaginian
2 Phoenician especially Hannibal
masculine noun II declension
View the declension of this word
1 Carthaginian
2 Phoenician especially Hannibal
Locutions, idioms and examples
abundabat multitudine hominum Poenus = the Carthaginian had plenty of men || agitare eum atque inritare Poenus parat || apparuit equitatu meliorem Poenum || ea occasio Hampsicorae data est Poeno se iungendi || ab urbe oppugnanda Poenum absterruere conspecta moenia = the sight of the walls deterred the Carthaginians from besieging the city
Poenus masc. noun II decl.

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