transitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to approve (of), to esteem, to commend, to recommend, to certify
2 to give assent, to give approval, to give sanction
3 to let
4 to show to be real, to show to be true
5 to examine, to test, to try, to prove, to demonstrate
6 to get accepted
transitive verb I conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to approve (of), to esteem, to commend, to recommend, to certify
2 to give assent, to give approval, to give sanction
3 to let
4 to show to be real, to show to be true
5 to examine, to test, to try, to prove, to demonstrate
6 to get accepted
Locutions, idioms and examples
alicui de aliqua re probo || facile ut pro eunucho probes || aliquid alicui probo || aliquem pro aliquo probo || alicui probo || animos probo || aut ad probandum aut ad refellendum || aliquem imperatorem probo || pacem quam bellum probo || pacem quam bellum probabam || civitas suffecturum probat || amicitias utilitate probo || Caesar probabat Pompeium sequi || vulgus amicitias utilitate probat || Caesar maxime probabat mare transire || ad unum omnes Vercingetorigem probant imperatorem || censores villam publicam in campo Martio probaverunt || vos censetis … legatorum missionem populo Romano vos probavisse? || aedes probant, sibi quisque inde exemplum expetunt || an quisquam poterat probare quod cognitum non habet? || an hoc probabis sine pretio varium ius et disparem condicionem fuisse? || Caesar etsi … maxime probabat coactis navibus mare transire || a vobis peto, primum ut consilium probetis meum, deinde ne frustra dehortando impedire conemini = I ask, before all else, to approve my plan, and then to desist from exhorting me to renounce it || acta Caesaris servanda censeo, non quo probem … sed quia rationem habendam maxime arbitror pacis = I believe that Caesar's disposition must be maintained, not because I approve them, but because I think that peace must be kept in mind
prŏbo tr. v. I conjug.

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