intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to set out, start, go, march, travel, depart, etc
2 to be going or about to go, to intend to go to a place, to start
3 to go, come, proceed
4 to set out, begin, commence
5 to come forth, spring, arise, proceed, originate
intransitive verb III conjugation
View the declension of this word
1 to set out, start, go, march, travel, depart, etc
2 to be going or about to go, to intend to go to a place, to start
3 to go, come, proceed
4 to set out, begin, commence
5 to come forth, spring, arise, proceed, originate
Locutions, idioms and examples
ab aliquo proficiscor = to leave someone || classe proficiscor || ea proficiscuntur a natura || classe proficiscor || aliquem adiutum proficiscor || ad urbem proficiscor || ab urbe proficiscor = to leave from Rome || ad Mutinam proficiscor = to leave for Modena || ad Alesiam proficiscuntur = to leave towards Alesia || pabulatum frumentatumque proficiscor || agmine longissimo proficiscuntur || ad dormiendum (or ad somnum) proficiscor = to go to bed (to sleep) || ad exquisita supplicia proficiscor = to head for refined tortures || ad mercaturam bonarum artium proficiscor = to set out to acquire liberal cognitions || a Socrate et Platone profecti philosophi = phylosophers coming from Socrates and Plato || averso flumine proficisci imperat || e portu exeo or proficiscor, or solvo || censebat ut Pompeius in suas provincias proficisceretur || e portu solvo o proficiscor or exeo || animus videt se ad meliora proficisci || ad nobilitandas clade Romana Cannas … profecti sunt || an ut ad reliquias Asiaticae negotiationes proficiscare (= proficiscaris) || e vita cedo or emigro or exeo or proficiscor || advenit proficiscendi hora exspectatione tristior || Brundisio proficiscens scripseram ad te quas ob causas in Epirum non essemus profecti || Caesar omnibus consiliis antevertendum existimavit, ut Narbonem proficisceretur || ea quae proficiscuntur a virtute susceptione prima, non perfectione recta sunt iudicanda || ad hostem proficisci constituerat, sive eum ex paludibus elicere sive obsidione premere posset = it was decided to march against the enemy in order to flush him out of the swamp or to block him surrounding him
prŏfĭcisco intr. v. III conjug.

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