adjective I class
View the declension of this word
1 (growth) luxuriant, extensive
2 (man) big and tall
3 generous
4 running smoothly
5 (writings) lengthily and copious extended, wide
6 long, drawn-out
7 ample and abundant
adjective I class
View the declension of this word
1 (growth) luxuriant, extensive
2 (man) big and tall
3 generous
4 running smoothly
5 (writings) lengthily and copious extended, wide
6 long, drawn-out
7 ample and abundant
Locutions, idioms and examples
capillus … prolixus || cervice prolixa || ramus prolixus || capillus prolixus or promissus || capillus pexus prolixus || aspera ac prolixa via || cetera spero prolixa esse || uberem et prolixam rem familiarem || capillus prolixa serie porrectus dorsa permanat || accipit homo nemo melius prorsus neque prolixius = no man hosts better or more generously
prōlixus adj. I cl.

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