feminine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 laying of matter before Senate, such motion
2 referring back case to magistrate
3 narration, relating of events, recital
4 act of carrying back
5 figure of speech
6 reference to standard
7 retorting on accuser
8 giving oath in reply
9 repayment
feminine noun III declension
View the declension of this word
1 laying of matter before Senate, such motion
2 referring back case to magistrate
3 narration, relating of events, recital
4 act of carrying back
5 figure of speech
6 reference to standard
7 retorting on accuser
8 giving oath in reply
9 repayment
Locutions, idioms and examples
causarum relatio || de aliqua re relatio || bene a se … dictorum relatio || addens quaedam relationibus supervacua, quas subinde mittebat ad principem
rĕlātĭo fem. noun III decl.

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