plural masculine noun II declension
View the declension of this word
the Sabines, an ancient Italian people adjoining the Latins, a part of whom, as early as the time of Romulus, were united with the Romans as one people, under the name of Quirites
plural masculine noun II declension
View the declension of this word
the Sabines, an ancient Italian people adjoining the Latins, a part of whom, as early as the time of Romulus, were united with the Romans as one people, under the name of Quirites
Locutions, idioms and examples
bellum a Sabinis ortum fuit || Sabinorum conubia coniungo || Sabinos equitatu fudit || Sabinos in civitatem adscivit || Sabinis proditae portae per virginem Tarpeiam || Sabinis regimen humani generis daturus || Sabinis sine suffragio data civitas || vulgo Sabini aureas armillas habebant || ab equitibus repente invectis turbati ordines sunt Sabinorum = the Sabines lines were devastated by the sudden attack of the cavalry || Sabini feruntur vovisse se ver sacrum facturos || Sabini usque ad portas urbis populantes incessere (= incesserunt) || Sabinis … metum incussit. Itaque legatos de pace mittunt
Săbīni pl. masc. noun II decl.

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